Rake Loading and Weighing Software
Rake Wagon Loading and Wagon Weighing Software – RIMSoft is an advanced Inmotion weighing software for
rail weighbridges in the field of Mining, Logistics, Industrial Plants, Ports and Railways.
This software can be used in all type of wagon rail weighbridge, bogie rail weighbridge and
axle rail weighbridges. It can request Rake information from Railway FOIS and transfer weighment data to FOIS system.
This system can manage regular weighment of all type of wagons, data storage and
printing weighment slip. In addition to weighment, system also generates first,
date, shifts, rake no. wise and summary reports. RIMSoft having the features of
data managements like Predefine wagons, Merging data, modify transaction of wagon no.,
Tare Weight, Carrying Capacity, Permissible Carrying Capacity, reprint slip and
weighment data upload to MS SQL Server or Oracle DB or MySQL Databases.